抑郁症健康 > 仇富心态 the hostility to the rich英语短句 例句大全

仇富心态 the hostility to the rich英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-08 14:26:22


仇富心态,the hostility to the rich

1)the hostility to the rich仇富心态

1.Eliminatingthe hostility to the rich and constructing harmonious society消除仇富心态 构建和谐社会

2)the psychological of hate rich仇富心理

3)Qiu Fu Qiu Guan physicology仇富(官)心理


1.On Structuring Harmonious Human Relations in Society and Qiu Fu Qiu Guan Mentality;剖析仇富(官)心理 构建和谐社会

2.Discussing about the Wealth Ethics of the Rich Man from the Mental State of" Enemy Rich";从“仇富”心理论富人的财富伦理观

3.Setting up Socialism Harmonious Society and the Tendency of Hating Officers and the Rich;构建社会主义和谐社会与仇官仇富倾向

4.On the Psychology of Revenge "Neither Embrace Nor Killing" Revealed in the Work Revenge;《复仇》:“也不拥抱,也不杀戮”的复仇心理

5.European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia欧洲种族主义和仇外心理监测中心


7.You must gulp back your vindictiveness你必须抑制住你的复仇心理。

8.Declaration against Racism and Xenophobia反对种族主义和仇外心理宣言

9.Reinterpretation of Medea;希腊悲剧《美狄亚》复仇的心理探源

10.Connection between the Ancient Revengeful Mentality and the Folk-custom Setting;中国古代恩赦复仇的心理与民俗背景

11.Sir, we have a priority signal from the Star Destroyer Avenger.长官!复仇号战舰有急电

12.Declaration of European Council on Racism and Xenophobia欧洲理事会关于种族主义和仇外心理的宣言

13.it can drive people insane, break their hearts and cause them to hate and even kill.它能使人丧失理智,使人心碎,相互仇恨甚至杀害。

14.Brutal Revenge and Social Control--A Perspective from Behavioral Psychology;暴力复仇与社会控制——一个行为心理学的视角

15.Study of Ma Jajue s Murder and its Psycholigcal Process.;马加爵仇恨杀友的行为及心理过程研究

16.In my heart I have no hatred or desire for revenge.在我的心里没有仇恨和复仇的欲望。

17.All this enmity and passion had Pearl inherited, by inalienable right, out of Hester"s heart.这一切仇恨和热情,都是珠儿理所当然地从海丝特心中承袭下来的。

18.European Youth Campaign against Racism, Anti- Semitism, Xenophobia and Intolerance欧洲青年反对种族主义、反犹太主义、仇外心理和不容忍行为运动


the psychological of hate rich仇富心理

3)Qiu Fu Qiu Guan physicology仇富(官)心理

4)revenge mentality复仇心态

5)enemy rich仇富

6)the tendency of hating officers and the rich仇官仇富倾向

1.At present,the tendency of hating officers and the rich has formed serious harm to the construction of socialism harmonious society.当前,社会上客观存在的仇官仇富倾向对社会主义和谐社会建设造成了严重的危害,仇官仇富倾向产生的原因主要是腐败问题、政治体制不完善、反动势力的破坏、收入差距、不合理致富、财富品质等。



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