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罗夏测验 Rorschach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 04:03:57



1)Rorschach[英]["r?:?ɑ:k][美]["r?r,?ɑk, -,?ɑū]罗夏测验

1.A Review ofRorschach Aggression Variables over the Past Decade;近十年国外罗夏测验攻击变量研究综述

2.Researches on Reliability and Validity ofRorschach Suicide Constellation(S-CON);罗夏测验自杀指数的信度和效度研究

3.The Correlation betweenRorschach Aggression Variables and Type A Behavior Pattern Questionnaire;罗夏测验攻击变量与A型行为问卷的相关研究


1.The Exploratory Research on Rorschach Test Used in Children (4~6 Years Old) from China;罗夏测验对4-6岁幼儿的试测研究

2.Researches on Reliability and Validity of Rorschach Suicide Constellation(S-CON);罗夏测验自杀指数的信度和效度研究

3.Rorschach Aggressive Content (AgC) Variable: A Study of Validity;罗夏测验攻击内容变量AgC:效度研究

4.Validity of self-perception score in Rorschach Rating Scale;对罗夏测验中自我知觉记分的效度检验

5.Conclusion: Most of these Rorschach aggression variables can be reliablely used in China.结论:大部分罗夏测验攻击变量可以在国内使用。

6.Correlation between Personality and Rorschach Aggression Variables人格特征与罗夏测验攻击变量的相关性研究

7.The Varation of the Rorschach Depression Index before and after the Treatment of Depression;罗夏测验抑郁指数在抑郁症治疗前后的变化

8.A Study in Reliability and Validity for Lerner Defense Scale LDS in Rorschach Test;罗夏测验Lerner防御机制量表LDS的信度、效度研究

9.The Correlation between Rorschach Aggression Variables and Type A Behavior Pattern Questionnaire;罗夏测验攻击变量与A型行为问卷的相关研究

10.The Correlation between Rorschach Aggressive Variables and BPRS Hostility;罗夏测验攻击变量与BPRS敌意因子的相关研究

11.A Study of Reliability and Validity for Mutuality of Autonomy Scale(MOA) in Rorschach Test;罗夏测验自主同一性量表的信度、效度研究

12.Relationship Between Rorschach Aggression Variables and Explicit Hostility;罗夏测验攻击变量与外显攻击敌意的关系

13.The study of construct Validity of Mutuality of Autonomy Scale(MOA)in Rorschach Test;罗夏测验自主同一性量表的结构效度研究

14.A Review of Rorschach Aggression Variables over the Past Decade;近十年国外罗夏测验攻击变量研究综述

15.The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective technique ofpersonality, as well known as the Rorschach Test.主题统觉测验是一种与罗夏测验齐名的人格投射技术。

16.Methods: 107 criminals and 118 normal persons were tested by Rorschach test.方法:使用罗夏测验在107书罪犯和118名正常人进行测试。

17.Exclusion criterion was these articles without control group and the articles with repetitive research on Rorschach Test technique.排除标准:没有对照组的文献和重复研究罗夏测验技术的文献。

18.Study of the Mutuality of Autonomy Scale (MOA) in Rorschach Ink Test罗夏墨迹测验自主同一性量表(MOA)的研究


Rorschach Test罗夏测验

1.The study of construct Validity of Mutuality of Autonomy Scale(MOA)inRorschach Test;罗夏测验自主同一性量表的结构效度研究

2.Researching of aggression by the Rorschach test has begun for a long time.其中用罗夏测验来研究攻击已经是由来已久的事。

3.Methods:With the Child Behavior Checklist and Conners Parent Symptom Questionnaire,two groups of students,including high aggression group and low aggression group,were selected from 311 primary school students,and the two groups were tested with the Rorschach test.目的:在国内学龄期儿童样本中检验罗夏测验攻击变量的效度。

3)Rorschach Inkblot Test罗夏墨迹测验

1.The Reliability and Validity Researches of GroupRorschach Inkblot Test for Teens;青少年团体罗夏墨迹测验的信度效度研究

4)Rorschach Ink-blot Test罗夏墨渍测验

5)The Rorschach Suicide Constellation(S-CON)罗夏测验自杀指数

1.The Rorschach Suicide Constellation(S-CON) put forward by Exner is the most widely researched variable.其中以Exner提出的罗夏测验自杀指数使用最为广泛,国外已有研究表明罗夏测验自杀指数能有效地预测自杀。

6)Team Rorschach Ink-Blot Test团体罗夏墨迹测验



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