抑郁症健康 > 创造倾向 creative aptitude英语短句 例句大全

创造倾向 creative aptitude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-14 17:17:15


创造倾向,creative aptitude

1)creative aptitude创造倾向

1.Torrance Test of Creative Thinking and Creativity Assessment packet were applied to compare Chinese language creative thinking ability as well as thecreative aptitude between senior high school students with inquire study leaning.笔者采用托兰斯语文创造思维量表和威廉斯创造倾向量表对已进行和未进行研究性学习高中生的语文创造思维能力和创造倾向进行了比较,得出如下结论: (1)进行研究性学习的学生,其语文创造思考能力与未进行研究性学习的学生相比有显著差异:进行研究性学习的学生,其创造倾向与未进行研究性学习的学生相比无显著差异。


1.Factors Influencing the Creativity Tendency of Chinese Scientists and Technicians--The Interaction Effect of the Individual and Regional Differences我国科技人员创造倾向的影响因素——个体与地区差异的交互作用

2.Study on the Personality Characteristics of the University Students with Difference Creativity Proneness.不同创造性倾向大学生人格特征研究

3.The problems and Developing Trend of University Journals;克服功利化倾向 创造良性学术环境


5.The Relationship between the Types of Learning Motivation and the Tendency of Creativeness儿童学习动机类型与创造力倾向关系的研究

6.Psychometric Analysis of Social Creative Potential Questionnaire for Primary School Children;小学儿童社会创造性倾向问卷的测量学分析

7.The Relations of Social Creative Tendency of Primary Schoolchildren to Their Loneliness;小学儿童孤独感与社会创造性倾向的关系

8.A Research on Correlation between Tendency of Creativity and Mental Health of College Students;大学生创造力倾向与心理健康相关研究

9.Relationship Between the Tendency of Teachers Creativities and the Degree of Work Satisfaction;教师创造力倾向与工作满意度的相关研究

10.A Study On the Structure and Development of Adolescents Creative Tendencies;青少年创造性倾向的结构与发展特征研究

11.A Research on Relation between Tendency of Creativity and Mental Health of Medical Students医学生创造力倾向与心理健康水平关系研究

12.The Study of Influence of Computer Games on Students"Creative Inclination电脑游戏对中小学生创造性倾向的影响研究

13.A Study on Development of Students’ Creative Inclination from Primary School to Junior Middle School小学至初中学生创造性倾向的发展研究

14.A comparative study on creating ability tendency between collegen ursing students and clinical nurses护理本科生与临床护士创造力倾向的比较研究

15.He invented the term homeostasis for the tendency of the organism to maintain constancy of the internal environment.他创造了“内环境稳定”一词来说明机体有保持内环境稳定的倾向。

16.Most of the high creativity proneness students" personality types were Alpha and Gamma type.高创造性倾向大学生的人格类型多为Alpha型和Gamma型.

17.The Relevance Research of Learning Style and Creativity Tend for Nursing Undergraduate;护理本科生创造力倾向与学习风格的相关性研究

18.On the Relationship between Social Creative Tendency and Parenting Style among Primary Schoolchildren;小学儿童社会创造性倾向与父母养育方式的关系


High creativity proneness高创造倾向

3)creative inclination创造性倾向

1.The Study of Influence of Computer Games on Students"Creative Inclination电脑游戏对中小学生创造性倾向的影响研究

2.Based on the "sex role inventory for college students" written by Qian Mingyi and the "creative inclination inventory" written by Williams,the study is carried out among 532 college students and gives similar conclusion,which proves that these inventories are credible and of high efficiency.本研究采用钱铭怡等人编制的大学生性别角色量表和威廉斯创造性倾向量表,对532名大学生进行测试。

3.The outcome of the test is the following:(1)The students of Grade 6 have lesscreative inclination but more creative thinking than the students of Grade 7.以小学六年级和初中一年级学生为被试,进行威廉斯创造性倾向量表和威廉斯创造性思考活动量表的测量,结果发现:(1)小学六年级较初中一年级创造性倾向水平低,但创造性思考活动水平高于初中一年级。

4)creativity tendency创造力倾向

1.Study on relativity betweencreativity tendency and learning style of college nursing students护理本科生创造力倾向与学习风格的相关性研究


1.The Relations of Social Creative Tendency of Primary Schoolchildren to TheirLoneliness;小学儿童孤独感与社会创造性倾向的关系

6)creativity assessment packet威廉斯创造性倾向测试


“粗野主义”倾向“粗野主义”倾向 马塞公寓“粗野主义”(Brutalism,又译野性主义)是五十年代下半期到六十年代中喧噪声一时的建筑设计倾向。它的含义并不清楚,有时被理解为一种艺术形式,有时被理解为一种有理论有方法的设计倾向。对它的代表人物与典型作品也有不完全一致的看法。 “粗野主义”这保名称最初是由英国的一对第三代建筑师,史密森夫妇(A.&P.Smithson,前者生于1928,后生于1923)于1954年提出的。马塞公寓可能这个名称使人联想到勒.柯.布西耶的马赛公寓大楼与昌迪加尔行政中心的毛糙、沉重与粗鲁感,于是“粗野主义”这顶帽子被戴到马赛公寓大楼与昌迪加尔行政中心建筑群的头上去了。要了解“粗野主义”的理论根据还得从提出这个名称的史密森夫妇那里去寻求。史密森说:“假如不把粗野主义试图客观地对待现实这回事考虑进去——社会文化的种种目的,其近切性、技术等等——任何关于粗野主义的讨论都是不中要害的。粗野主义者想要面对一个大量生产的社会,并想从目前存在着的混乱的强大力量中,牵引出一阵粗鲁的诗意来”。这说明“粗野主义”不单是一个形式问题,而是同当时社会的现实要求与条件有尖的。马塞公寓 讲求技术精美的倾向是不惜重金地极力表现优质钢和玻璃结构的轻盈、光滑、晶莹、端庄及其与材料和结构一致的“全面空间”;而“粗野主义”则要经济地,从不修边幅的钢筋混凝土(或其他材料)的毛糙、沉重与粗野感中寻求形式上的出路。 “粗野主义”假如单从形式上看,其表现是多种多样的。总的来说,在欧洲比较流行,在日本也相当活跃。它到六十年代下半期以后逐渐销声匿迹。

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