抑郁症健康 > BMY牛 BMY cattle英语短句 例句大全

BMY牛 BMY cattle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 18:11:48


BMY牛,BMY cattle

1)BMY cattleBMY牛

parison of superovulation effect and hormone change of Brahman withBMY cattle in whole year grazing;全放牧婆罗门牛和BMY牛的超数排卵效果及激素水平比较

2.Many progresses have been achieved after more than 20 years selective breeding onBMY cattle.总结了经历20多年选育的BMY牛所取得的进展,再通过3~5年的努力将完成BMY牛的培育,届时BMY牛将是一个适应我国南方炎热地区的热带肉牛新品种。

3.The record of reproductive traits ofBMY cattle from 2001 to under the grazing condition and seasonal mating regimen was statistically analyzed to investigate the reproductive performance.为了探索BMY的繁殖性能,通过在全日制放牧管理和季节性配种条件下,把2001年至的BMY牛繁殖率进行了统计分析,在扩繁点年平均繁殖成活率为68。


1.The Nutrient Evaluation of Cynaya scolymus. L and Finishing Effect on BMY Cattle洋蓟的营养价值评定及BMY牛育肥效果

2.Investigation into Suitable Time of Embryos Recovery of Brahman and BMY Cattle in Whole Year Grazing全放牧婆罗门牛和BMY牛胚胎回收适期的探讨

3.Study on Population Structure and DNA Molecular Marker of Growth Development Traits of BMY、Brahman and Yunnan Yellow Cattle;BMY牛、婆罗门牛及云南黄牛的群体遗传结构及生长发育性状的分子标记研究

4.Study on Breeding Scheme (Strain) of New Meat Breed for BMY Cattle;BMY肉牛新品种(系)优化育种规划的研究

5.A young cow or bull.小牛年幼的母牛或公牛

6.A cowboy or cowgirl.牧牛者牛仔或女牛仔

7.motherless calf in a range herd of cattle.牛群中失去母牛的小牛。

8.a herd of cattle [elephant(s), whale(s)]牛 [象,鲸] 群

9.BY6010A shaping machineby60100a牛刨

10.Any of several oxlike Old World mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the water buffalo and Cape buffalo.水牛,野牛一种似牛的东半球牛科哺乳动物,如水牛和非洲野牛

11."beef:a full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially one intended for use as meat."牛:完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛,尤指因肉用而蓄养的牛。

12.A full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially one intended for use as meat.牛完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛,尤指因肉用而蓄养的牛

13."Outstanding dairy Breeds include the Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Ayrshire, and Brown Swiss. "优良的乳牛品种包括好斯敦牛、根西牛、泽西牛、亚尔夏牛和瑞士褐牛。

14.A shed for housing cows.牛棚牛群居住的小棚

15.A barn for cows.牛棚关养奶牛的房屋

16.Our cows will be calving soon.我们的牛快生小牛了.

17.yearling heifer or bullock.一岁的小母牛或小公牛。

18.Buffalo meat has less fat than beef.野牛肉比家牛肉瘦。


BMY cattleBMY肉牛

1.,which is adapt to tropic,sub-tropic climate,approximately 2 535 time breeding notes were used in threeBMY cattle enlarge reproduction field,birth weight,weaning weight,year weight,18-month weight,24-month weight,fattening period daily weight,reproduction trait growth trait,the age of first child,calving interval,8 trait in general as genetic statistic analysis by animal mod.BMY肉牛是云南省肉牛和牧草研究中心与西北农林科技大学合作,拟培育的适合我国热带、亚热带气候的肉牛新品种(系),本文利用3个BMY牛扩繁场近五年来2 535头次的育种记录,对生长性状中的初生重、断奶重、周岁重、18月龄重、24月龄重、育肥期日增重以及繁殖性状中的初产年龄和产犊间隔共8个性状进行了遗传统计分析,应用动物模型,借助MT-DFREML方法估计上述性状的遗传参数,并考虑母体效应。

3)BMY tropical cattleBMY热带肉牛

4)Antagonistic bacterium BMY-1拮抗细菌BMY-1

5)The biological control bacterium-BMY-1生防细菌BMY-1


1.A modified method for purification and primary culture ofbovine choroidal microvascular endothelial cells in vitro;牛脉络膜微血管内皮细胞纯化和体外培养的改良方法

2.Molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus isolated frombovine mastitis by polymorphism of the spa gene;牛源金黄色葡萄球菌spa基因多态性分型研究

3.Anatomic observation of moderator band and right bundle branch in right ventricle ofbovine heart;牛右心室节制索及右束支的解剖观测



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