抑郁症健康 > 胸部硬膜外镇痛 thoracic epidural analgesia英语短句 例句大全

胸部硬膜外镇痛 thoracic epidural analgesia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-02 13:40:55


胸部硬膜外镇痛,thoracic epidural analgesia

1)thoracic epidural analgesia胸部硬膜外镇痛

1.Methods: In this study 80 patients scheduled for elective lobectomy were randomized to either PCIA fentanyl(Group A,n=40) orthoracic epidural analgesia with ropivacaine and fentanyl(Group B,n=40).目的:研究开胸肺叶切除术患者胸部硬膜外镇痛与静脉镇痛的效果及对术后肺部并发症的影响。

2)Epidural analgesia硬膜外镇痛

parison of levobupivacaine, ropivacaine and racemic bupivacaine in patient-controlled epidural analgesia after cesarean section;左旋布比卡因、罗哌卡因及布比卡因硬膜外镇痛效果比较

2.Effects of postoperative epidural analgesia with Morphine plus bupivocaine on gastrointestinal motility in rabbits;布比卡因复合吗啡硬膜外镇痛对家兔胃肠运动的影响

3.Epidural analgesia in labor:a comparison of different concentrations of ropivacaine with fentanyl;自然分娩时不同浓度罗比卡因的硬膜外镇痛效应


1.Clinical observation on effect of patient-controlled eqidural administration in the painless parturition.自控硬膜外镇痛用于无痛分娩的临床观察

parision of Continuous Epidural and Intravenous Sufentanil Infusion;腹部手术后舒芬太尼持续硬膜外镇痛与静脉镇痛的比较

parison of epidural versus intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty病人自控硬膜外镇痛与静脉镇痛用于全髋置换术的比较

4.Observation of postoperation epidural analgesia after cesarean section剖宫产术后持续硬膜外镇痛的应用观察

5.Application of Sufentanil in epidural analgesia after upper abd ominal surgery舒芬太尼在上腹部手术后硬膜外镇痛中的应用

6.Nursing research on influence of epidural analgesia after caesarean section on lactating of postpartum puerpera剖宫产术后硬膜外镇痛对泌乳影响的护理研究

7.Effect of Droperidol on Q-Tc by Continuous Epidural Analgesia;氟哌利多持续硬膜外镇痛对Q-Tc的影响

8.Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics for Postoperative Epidural Analgesia in Gynecological Surgery;妇科术后硬膜外镇痛局麻药药效学的研究

bined Application of Doula and Epidural Analgesia for Labor-pain Relief during Latent Phase of Labor导乐联合硬膜外镇痛在分娩潜伏期的应用

10.Clinical analysis of 50 labor pain relief by epidural anesthesia硬膜外阻滞分娩镇痛50例临床分析

11.A Study of knowledge of labor analgesia and effect on matemal and neonatal with or without epidural labor analgesia;分娩镇痛认知及硬膜外分娩镇痛对母婴近期影响研究

12.The study of extradural administration of prednisone for postoperative analgesia in spinal column surgery泼尼松龙硬膜外给药用于脊柱术后镇痛的研究

13.Clinical Analysis of Aqua Acupuncture Ease Pain and Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia水针与硬膜外麻分娩镇痛的临床效果分析

14.Apply kup on Epidural Analgesia in Abdominal Delivery持续硬膜外腔镇痛在剖宫产术后的应用

15.The Effect of Epidural Labor Analgesia on the Endocrine Function of Placenta-Feutes;硬膜外分娩镇痛对胎盘-胎儿分泌功能的影响

16.Influence of PCEA with Buprenorphine on IL-2 and IL-6 in Patients with Gynecological Malignancy;丁丙诺啡硬膜外自控镇痛对IL-2和IL-6的影响

17.The Clinical Study of with or without Background Infusion in Patient-controlled Epidural Analgesia for Labor and Delivery;两种硬膜外自控分娩镇痛方法的临床观察

18.Clinical Observation on 50 Cases of Labor under Epidural Anesthesia by infusion pump;持续性硬膜外微泵法镇痛分娩50例临床观察


Epidural analgesia硬膜外镇痛

parison of levobupivacaine, ropivacaine and racemic bupivacaine in patient-controlled epidural analgesia after cesarean section;左旋布比卡因、罗哌卡因及布比卡因硬膜外镇痛效果比较

2.Effects of postoperative epidural analgesia with Morphine plus bupivocaine on gastrointestinal motility in rabbits;布比卡因复合吗啡硬膜外镇痛对家兔胃肠运动的影响

3.Epidural analgesia in labor:a comparison of different concentrations of ropivacaine with fentanyl;自然分娩时不同浓度罗比卡因的硬膜外镇痛效应

3)analgesia epidural镇痛、硬膜外

4)continuous epidural analgesia持续硬膜外镇痛

1.Objective To investigate the effect of cesarean postoperationcontinuous epidural analgesia in postpartum hemorrhage in 24h.目的观察剖宫产术后持续硬膜外镇痛泵镇痛对患者产后24 h出血量的影响。

5)Epidural labor analgesia硬膜外分娩镇痛

1.The effects of epidural labor analgesia on progress of labor and outcomes of labor硬膜外分娩镇痛对产程进展及分娩结局的影响

2.Objective: To observe the influences of the degree of primiparous anxiety on the epidural labor analgesia, the mode of delivery and the labor course.目的:观察产妇的焦虑程度对硬膜外分娩镇痛、分娩疼痛、产程及分娩方式的影响,为分娩镇痛个体化提供理论根据。


pared clinical assessment of the effect of PCIA withPCEA;静脉和硬膜外自控镇痛技术在外科手术后的临床镇痛效果比较

2.Objective:To explore the effects ofPCEA on the patients’complement C3 and C4 after lower abdominal surgery.目的:探讨硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)对下腹部手术后自控镇痛的疗效及对血清补体C3和C4的影响。

3.Objective :To investigate the curative effect of laev-bupivacaine and ropivacaine for patient-controlled epidural analgesia(PCEA) after abdominal operation.15%左旋布比卡因复合苏芬太尼1μg/ml行硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA),观察两组术后镇痛效果、运动阻滞程度和不良反应的发生情况。



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