抑郁症健康 > 达观 optimism英语短句 例句大全

达观 optimism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-09 23:21:32




1."Poems expressing will",poetry teaching has a vital role in enhancing the university students\" humanistic quality and cultural tastes,cultivating a sound personality and establishing the spirit of self-esteem,self-improvement,optimism and enterprising."诗言志",诗词的教学对提升大学生人文素养、文化品味,培养健全人格,树立自尊、自强、达观、进取的精神,有举足轻重的作用。


1.marine radar observer trainer船舶雷达观测员训练器

2.He has a philosophic approach to life.他对待生活非常达观。

3.United Nations Observer Mission in Rwanda联合国卢旺达观察团(联卢观察团)

4.She had no philosophy, and did not need any until her arrest in 1947.她没有达观精神,直至1947年被捕,她才意识到有必要发扬达观精神。

5.Schopenhauer s Philosophy:the Combination of Pessimism and Resilience;叔本华哲学:悲观主义与达观主义的结合

6.A person who is calm and rational under any circumstances.达观者,豁达者在任何情况下镇静理智的人

7.transportable lunar surveillance radar移动式月面观察雷达

8.The television audience aggregated 30 millions.电视观众合计达3000万人.

9.The audience totalled 20000.观众总计达两万人。

10.express a negative表达一个否定的观点

11.There were six million visitors in all.参观者累计达六百万人。

12.The audiences aggregated a million people.观众总数达一百万人。

13.Peace monitors arrive in Aceh和平观察员到达亚齐

14.a mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one).观点(特别是不同观点)的相互表达。

15.Result showed that this protocol allowed 84% concordance with jury classification.客观评估结果与主观评估结果的一致性达到 84 %。

16.When you disagree, do so with poise and objectivity.表达自己不同观点时要带着镇定和客观。

17.The Gene Expression and the Sight Identification of the Ancient Villages Cultural Landscape;古村落文化景观的基因表达与景观识别

18.We want a radar position during dumping. Please cover us on your radar.放油时我们需要雷达定位,请在雷达中观察我们。


Radar observation雷达观测

3)subjective expression主观表达

1.This paper has,from careful analysis of the three modernist tendencies of individual image,specialsubjective expression and abstract narration in Gu Cheng s poem,pointed that some modernist thinking and expression means demonstrated by misty poems has provided the possibility for contemporary poems.顾城诗中个人化的象征,独特的主观表达,抽象的抒写三个现代主义倾向,体现出朦胧诗的一些现代主义思维和表达方式,为当代诗歌提供了一些新的可能。

4)Objective Expression客观表达

5)One who looks on the Bright side of things;a man of optimism达观之人

6)take things like a philosopher达观处事



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