抑郁症健康 > 公众心理 public psychology英语短句 例句大全

公众心理 public psychology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-29 13:27:29


公众心理,public psychology

1)public psychology公众心理

1.The paper analysespublic psychology in Chinese consumable market since 1998,and,starting with macroscopical measures,the subsequent policy tropism is presented.对 1 998年以来我国消费品市场启而难动的公众心理进行了分析 ,从宏观调控措施入手 ,提出了下一步政策取向的建议。

2.The concept of crisis communication andpublic psychology, serving as thedouble checks and balances of crisis report, help the crisis take a favorable turn, andachieve a balance by the mutual constraints.危机传播观念与公众心理,作为危机报道的双重制衡,有利于化解危机,将危机向良好的方向转化,实现“相互牵制、求得平衡”的目标。

3.The government would take different measures as crisis management aiming at thepublic psychology change in different periods.因此,在政府危机管理的整个环节中,公众心理是必不可少的研究环节。


1.Statistics Study on Public Psychological Reaction in the Second Prevention and Control of SARS.;第二次“SARS”防控中公众心理反应分析

2.An inverstigative analysis of SARS psycholgical effect on the public;“非典”对社会公众心理影响的调查分析

3.Public Psychoanalysis on the Difficulties of Consumable Market s Being Spurred up;消费品市场启而难动的公众心理分析

4.A Brief Issue on Psychological Impact to the Public of Radiation Accidents and the Elimination of It辐射事故对公众心理影响及消除方法

5.Social Public Masses Psychological Prejudices and Establishment of the Police s Public Relations;社会公众心理偏见与警察公共关系建设

6.A Study on the Public Standard of Mental Quality and Training;公众心理素质判断标准及其训练的理论研究

7.Social Reasons and Countermeasures of the Public Psychological Detune in our Country;论我国公众心理失谐的社会机理及其对策

8.A Research on Chinese Government Strategy of Crisis Management Based on the Public Psychology基于公众心理的我国政府危机管理策略研究

9.(3) the public feeling is experiencing a transforming process from arrogancethrough cooling_down to perplexity.(3)美国的公众心理正在发生微妙的变化;

10.Investigation on mental states of inhabitants in Haikou during the epidemic stage of the H1N1 influenza甲型H1N1流感流行期间海口市公众心理状况调查

11.Needs on health education of mental crisis for public after public emergency突发公共事件后公众心理危机健康教育需求研究

12.Investigation and Analysis on Mental Health State of Public after Emergent Public Events in Anhui Province安徽省突发公共事件后公众心理卫生状况调查分析

13.This is an advertising agency with all its jugglery of public sentiment.这是一家耍花样竭力投合公众心理的广告代理商。

14.the public prejudice and social psychology of stereotype.三、公众的成见与从众的社会心理。

15.Properly done, it will go to the heart of public concerns.处理恰当,它会成为公众关心的核心。

16.The Research of Populace Psychology Intervention in Public Crisis Management;公共危机管理中的民众心理干预研究

17.The major public concern will be with a reasonably priced food supply.公众十分关心价格合理的粮食供给。

18.A psychological research on education conceptions of the public in Guangzhou;广州地区公众教育观念的心理学研究


"attentive public" idea热心公众理念

3)Public mood公众心境

4)public understanding公众理解

1.The objective of the present paper is an attempt to measure thepublic understanding of science in the area of health and hygiene and test the efficacy of "cultural distance model".本文尝试对健康与卫生领域内的公众理解科学加以测度,并针对“文化差距模型”的有效性进行测试。


1.Analysis aboutconformity and political education for students in gym colleges;体育院校学生从众心理分析及思想政治教育

2.The teacher should learn about the forming cause of the conformable psychology, lead students to treat itcorrectly and then rectify their wrongconformity by four ways.因此,教师要了解学生从众心理的形成原因,引导学生正确对待从众心理,并通过四种途径矫治学生不良行为的从众。

6)audience psychology观众心理

1.These vivid different features of thinking make Chinese dramas very different from Western dramas in the forms of drama,the characteristics of performing,aesthetic space,audience psychology,beauty of artistic conception and so on.这种思维特点渗透在中西戏剧中,使中西戏剧这同一艺术形式在戏剧形式、表演特征、审美空间、观众心理以及意境美等方面有了各自鲜明的特点,从而表现出独特的魅力。


第一次与公众见面就玩跳水表演(图)小北极熊跳入水中 6月4日,在圣彼得堡动物园,一只7个月大的小北极熊跳入水中。7个月前,两只小北极熊在这个动物园降生,这是它们第一次与公众见面。

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