抑郁症健康 > 腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉 Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia英语短句 例句大全

腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉 Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-13 19:59:41


腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉,Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia

1)Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉


1.Conclusion The combined spinal-epidural anesthesia is ideal for cesarean section.④结论腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉是一种较理想的剖宫产术麻醉方法

parison of effectiveness of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and epidural anesthesia on 30 sesarean section patients腰硬联合与硬膜外麻醉30例效果观察

3.Spinal anesthesia combined epidural anesthesia application in cesarean section腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉在剖宫产术中的应用

4.The effect of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery妇科腹腔镜手术腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉的效果

5.Clinical Application of Combined Spinal-epidural Anesthesia for Emergency Cesarean Section Surgery腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉在急诊剖宫产术中的应用

parison of Combined Spinal- epidural Anesthesia with Epidural Anesthesia in Elderly Patients with Lower Extremity Surgery硬膜外麻醉与腰-硬联合麻醉用于老年患者下肢手术的比较

7.Efficacy Comparison of Combined Spinal-Epidural Anesthesia and Continuous Epidural Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing TURP腰硬联合麻醉与单纯硬膜外麻醉在TURP手术中效果的比较

8.Effect comparison between combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and epidural anesthesia for artificial thighbone replacement in elderly patients腰硬联合与硬膜外麻醉用于高龄患者骨科手术麻醉效果的比较

9.Analysis of endovascular graft exclusion undergoing combined spinal-epidural anesthesia with controlled hypotension药物降压配合腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉用于主动脉腔内隔绝术

bined spinal-epidural anesthesia and Propofol for percutaneous nephrolithotomy腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉复合丙泊酚用于经皮肾镜碎石术

11.The feasibility of using 0.75% ropivacaine for CSEA for caesarean0.75%罗哌卡因在腰麻——硬膜外联合麻醉用于剖腹产手术的可行性

12.Efficacy investigation of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in emergency cesarean section腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉用于急诊剖宫产术的效果观察

13.Efficacy evaluation of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in 40 cases with emergency cesarean section急诊剖宫产应用腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉40例效果评价


15.Studying of ropivacaine mesley applied in combine spinal epiduaral anesthesia甲磺酸罗哌卡因腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉的效果评价

parison of PCIA with remifentanil and combined spinal-epidural analgesia and PCEA with ropivacaine and fentanyl for labour analgesia瑞芬太尼静脉PCIA与腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉后PCIA用于分娩镇痛的比较

17.The application of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and continual epdural anesthesia on using rigid ureteroscope and holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy in elderly patients腰硬联合麻醉和硬膜外麻醉在老年患者输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术中的应用

18.Application of combined spinal epidural anesthesia in electro vapor prostatectomy of senile patients腰-硬膜外联合麻醉在高龄前列腺气化电切术中的应用


Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉

1.Clinic investigation of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in TURP;腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉在经尿道前列腺电切术中的应用

2.Objective To compare the anesthesic and analgesic efficacy of ropivacaine and bupivacaine and their side reaction in combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in the elders.目的观察罗哌卡因在老年腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉中及术后的镇痛效果和不良反应,并与布比卡因进行比较。

3.Objective To compare the clinical effects of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia with ropivacaine and bupivacaine on senile patients undergoing plasmakinetic(PK-) transurethral prostatectomy and their safety.5%布比卡因腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉在高龄患者经尿道前列腺电切术中的临床效果及安全性。


1.Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of unilateral combined spinal and epidural anesthesia (CSEA) with low concentration of hypobaric ropivocaine in senile hip joint surgery.目的观察低浓度轻比重罗哌卡因行单侧腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉(CSEA)用于老年髋关节手术的可行性和安全性。

2.Objective To investigate the safety of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia(CSEA) and observe its clinical effect in emergency cesarean section.目的探讨腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉应用于急诊剖宫产术的安全性及临床效果观察。

4)combined spinal-epidural analgesia腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉

1.A clinical study ofcombined spinal-epidural analgesia for latent phase of labor pain;腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉用于分娩潜伏期镇痛的临床研究

5)Spinal epidural combined anesthesia腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉

1.Objective:To explore the influence of pain relief during labor by Spinal Epidural Combined Anesthesia on the serum PRL level of mother s and the blood air of mother s and baby′s.目的探讨腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉用于分娩镇痛对产妇血清催乳素(PRL)和母儿血气的影响。

6)Combined spinal and epidural anesthesia腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉

1.Combined spinal and epidural anesthesia in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery;腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉在妇科腹腔镜手术中的应用

2.Clinic study of hetastarch for prevention of hypotention during combined spinal and epidural anesthesia;腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉下应用贺斯预防低血压的临床研究



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