抑郁症健康 > 少儿英语睡前小故事带翻译


时间:2019-06-06 16:13:36





A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen .They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.

" We must have a grand christening for her," said the King , who was delighted to have a daughter.

"We must invite all the fairies of the kingdom to bless her," said the Queen.

"How many are there now ?" asked the King.

"Twelve or thirteen," said his wife. "Send the invitations . We"ll soon find out ."

There were twelve fairies, and they were all sent invitations. A thirteen fairy had not been heard of for so long that it was presumed that she was dead. No invitation was sent. The day of the christening was sunny and bright. The Princes was named Briar Rose, and the fairies began to give their gifts.

"She shall be beautiful, "said the first.

"She shall be wise ,"said the second.

"She shall be good,"said the third.

"She shall be kind ," said the fourth.

The gifts continued in this way, wishing all that was good for Briar Rose. Eleven of the twelve fairies had given their gifts when the room suddenly went dark. After a great flash of light a small dark figure stood in front of the King and Queen.

It was the thirteenth fairy.

"why wasn"t I invited to the christening?" she screamed.

She was furious at being left out.

"All the fairies of the kingdom have given their blessings. Well, here"s mine for the Princess. On her sixteentth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die."

Another flash of light and the fairy was gone.

"But we thought she was dead," said the King. "What can we do ?"

The Queen was in tears.

The twelfth fairy stepped forward.

There is still my gift for Briar Rose," she said. "The fairy"s curse cannot be undone, but I can change it a little. She will fall into a deep sleep that will last one hundred years," There was a great hubbub in the hall as everyone discussed the events.

The following day the King issued a proclamation, ordering that all spinning wheels and spindles were to be destroyed. Throughout the land there were great fires as the spinning wheels were burned.























Look for a Friend

Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.”

Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.


塞姆是一条小鱼,他在海里。他生在海里。他很孤独,想要找一个朋友,那个朋友看起来要想他。 塞姆看见一条墨鱼。墨鱼有8条腿,看上去不像塞姆。因此塞姆游走了。塞姆遇见一条鲨鱼。他想跟鲨鱼问好。鲨鱼张开大嘴,塞姆有迅速地逃走了。






Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man, how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him.

The wolf answered, "If I could see a man just once, I would attack him nonetheless."

"I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will show you one."

The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which the huntsman used every day. First an old discharged soldier came by.

"Is that a man?" asked the wolf.

"No," answered the fox. "He has been one."

Afterwards came a little boy on his way to school.

"Is that a man?"

"No, he will yet become one."

Finally a huntsman came by with his double-barreled gun on his back, and a sword at his side.

The fox said to the wolf, "Look, there comes a man. He is the one you must attack, but I am going back to my den."

The wolf then charged at the man.

When the huntsman saw him he said, "Too bad that I have not loaded with a bullet." Then he aimed and fired a load of shot into his face.

The wolf pulled an awful face, but did not let himself be frightened, and attacked him again, on which the huntsman gave him the second barrel. The wolf swallowed his pain and charged at the huntsman again, who in turn drew out his naked sword, and ggave him a few blows with it left and right, so that, bleeding all over, he ran howling back to the fox.

"Well," Brother Wolf, said the fox, "how did you get along with man?"

"Oh," replied the wolf, "I never imagined the strength of man to be what it is. First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and then something flew into my face which tickled me terribly. Then he breathed once more into the stick, and it flew up my nose like lightning and hail. Then when I got next to him, he drew a naked rib out of his body, and he beat me so with it that he almost killed me."

"See what a braggart you are," said the fox. "You throw your hatchet so far that you cannot get it back again."







於是狼朝猎人冲了过去。猎人一看说:“真可惜我没装上子弹,而是散弹。”他瞄准狼的脸开了一枪。狼疼得一阵痉挛,可还是没被吓倒,又朝猎人冲了 过去。猎人又开了一枪。狼忍着巨痛扑向猎人,没想到猎人抽出猎刀左右开弓地在狼身上划了几道口子。狼鲜血四溅,嚎叫着逃到狐狸那里去了。

“狼兄弟,”狐狸说,“和人相处怎么样?”“哈!”狼回答说,“我从没想到人的力量会这么大!他先是从肩上取下一根棍子,朝里面吹了一口气,就 有甚么东西飞到我脸上,痒得我要命;接着他又吹了一次,就有东西飞到我鼻子周围,像下了一阵雹子。当我靠近他时,他从身上抽出一根白得发亮的肋骨狠狠地打 我,几乎把我打死在那里。”


