抑郁症健康 > 唯美晚安语录 伤感又励志的说说

唯美晚安语录 伤感又励志的说说

时间:2020-09-29 19:54:47


一、这个世界,已经有很多人和事让你失望了,而最不应该的,就是自己还令自己失望。一定要记住:社会很残酷,你要活得有温度。早安!There are many people and things in the world that have disappointed you, and the last thing you should do is to disappoint yourself. Its important to remember that society is cruel and you have to live a warm life. Good morning!

二、你在我肚里十个月,在我怀里两三年,在我眼里七八载,在我手里十五年,在我耳朵里余下的所有岁月.......宝贝,真舍不得你长大 担心你这一路上遇到的坎坷,我不会替你承受伤害,可我会拼了命去保护你......希望你别嫌弃这笨手笨脚的我,不管怎样,从你出现在我生命的那天起我就一直在爱你。Youve been in my stomach for ten months, in my arms for two or three years, in my eyes for seven or eight years, in my hands for fifteen years, in my ears for the rest of the years... Baby, I hate you growing up and worrying about the frustrations you encounter along the way, I won suffer for you, but I will try my best to protect you... Hope you don dislike this clumsy me, anyway, from you appear. I have loved you since the day of my life.

三、选一种姿态,让自己活得无可替代,没有所谓的运气,只有绝对的努力!不能十全十美,但可以独一无二。Choose a posture, let oneself live irreplaceable, there is no so-called luck, only absolute efforts! It can be perfect, but it can be unique.

四、不论是去做什么,都为了能找到自己,解放自己。我们不可能去改变世界,只有想办法改变自己,去适应它。Whatever you do, you want to find yourself and liberate yourself. We can change the world, only find ways to change ourselves and adapt to it.

五、我在后面远远地看着他的背影,停住了原本加快了的脚步,因为自己突然觉得怎样努力都改变不了这长长的距离,短短几秒后再抬头,连背影都看不到了,嘲笑完自己后再一遍遍告诉自己:这样挺好。I watched his back in the distance and stopped the accelerated pace, because I suddenly felt that no effort could change the long distance. I looked up after a few seconds, and I could not see his back. After laughing at myself, I told myself again and again that it was good.

六、在天涯,温暖相依;在山水,旖旎共舞。一种懂得,无论天涯,亦能相知;一种温暖,无论海角,亦能相牵。心与心彼此靠近,魂与魂彼此相依。无需浪漫的誓言,彼此有情,无论此岸彼岸,你心永似我心; 无需缠绵的心跳,彼此有爱,无论天涯咫尺,温暖永相依。 爱在心间,相守便是温暖;情在心中,懂得便是最美。In the horizon, warmth is interdependent; in the mountains and rivers, dancing together. A kind of understanding, regardless of the horizon, can also know each other; a kind of warmth, regardless of the cape, can also lead each other. Heart and heart are close to each other, soul and soul depend on each other. No need for romantic vows, love each other, no matter the other side, your heart will always be like my heart; no need for lingering heartbeat, love each other, no matter how close the world is, warmth will always depend on each other. Love is in the heart, to be together is warm; love is in the heart, to know is the most beautiful.

七、嘴里说的人生,就是自己以后的人生。只有一条路不能选择,那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝,那就是成长的路。态度决定一切,实力扞卫尊严!人要经得起诱惑耐得住寂寞!早安。The life in your mouth is your life in the future. There is only one way that can not be chosen, that is, the way to give up; there is only one way that can not be refused, that is, the way to grow up. Attitude decides everything, strength defends dignity! People should stand temptation and loneliness! Good morning.

八、分开以后,我最大的领悟,不是我有多好,也不是你有多坏,而是我看清了自己,更明白了两个人在一起的意义,好的爱情,永远是两个人的努力,而不是一个人的委曲求全。After separation, my greatest insight is not how good I am or how bad you are, but that I see myself clearly and understand the meaning of two people together better. Good love is always the efforts of two people, not the compromise of one person.

九、奥巴马收到拉登寄来的一份信件内容只写着“qs-IHS-IN”这两天美国顶级密码破译专家日夜奋战,也未能破解。于是求助中国,不久收到中方一份回复“你们把信拿反了”!Obama received a letter from Osama bin Laden that said only "qs-IHS-IN" these two days, the top American cryptographer fought day and night, and failed to crack it. So he turned to China and soon received a reply from the Chinese side, "You took the letter back!"

十、心中无尘心自安。同一桩事,想得少则无忧,想得多则是自寻烦恼;同一个问题,看到光明的一面则喜,看到灰暗的一面则忧。人生,好多的错误,不能回头,无法改正,不如以清净心看世界,用欢喜心过生活。清空心里的阴霾,心净才能心静,心静才能舒心。No dust in the heart, no peace of mind. The same thing, think less, think more is self-distress; the same problem, see the bright side is happy, see the dark side is worried. Life, many mistakes, can not be turned back, can not be corrected, it is better to see the world with a clean heart, live with joy. The haze in the hollow, pure heart can be calm, calm heart can be comfortable.

十一、我想去拥抱你,即使间隔春秋山河阻拦,风雨交加,路遥马远我都可以跨越重重艰险去抱你,唯独你不爱我,让我连迈起脚尖的勇气都没有。I want to embrace you, even if the interval between spring and autumn mountains and rivers, wind and rain, the road is far away, I can cross the hardships to embrace you, only you do not love me, let me even have the courage to step up the tiptoe.

十二、因为有你在,一切都刚刚好。因为有你,我才知道什么是幸福。我要的幸福很简单,就是你一直在身边。Because you are here, everything is just right. Because of you, I know what happiness is. I want happiness is very simple, that is, you have been around.

十三、就算你做得再好,也会有人指指点点;即便你一塌糊涂,亦能听到赞歌。能够拯救你的,只能是你自己,不必纠结于外界的评判,不必掉进他人的眼神。Even if you do well, someone will give you advice; even if you are in a mess, you can hear a hymn. Its only you who can save you. You don have to be entangled with outside judgments or fall into other peoples eyes.

十四、很多时候我们会说,爱真的是一件难以捉摸的事情,你永远都不知道,会有一个什么样的人,突然间出现在你的生命里。Many times we say that love is really an elusive thing. You never know what kind of person will suddenly appear in your life.

十五、感谢你走进我的生命里,像冬日的阳光,给过我无限暖意,在这个寂静的深夜,就让我深深的怀念你,怀念从前的点点滴滴。Thank you for coming into my life, like the winter sunshine, giving me unlimited warmth, in this quiet night, let me deeply miss you, miss the past bit by bit.

十六、“放手”淡淡的两个字,听不出有任何的情绪,只是...伪装在平静底下,有着无尽的悲伤"Let go" light two words, can not hear any mood, but.... camouflage in calm, with endless sadness.

十七、不知道你哪里吸引我就是特别特别的喜欢你想和你在一起,久久的这个叫爱是么?I don know where you attract me. I like you very much. You want to be with you. This is called love for a long time, isn it?

十八、这只是一个人在未知的街道上所感受到的解放感和轻微的踌躇感,还有旅行的疲劳和对任何事都无所谓的解脱感。Its just a sense of liberation and a slight hesitation one feels on an unknown street, as well as travel fatigue and a sense of relief that is indifferent to anything.

十九、车站有两个地方最感人:一个入口,一个出口。一个是不想让你走,一个是等你回来。The station has two most moving places: an entrance and an exit. One is not to let you go, the other is to wait for you to come back.

二十、你觉得自己一生碌碌无为,这辈子一眼到头。很明显,这是你感觉最对的一件事。You feel like youve never done anything in your life, and its the end of your life. Obviously, this is the one thing you feel most right about.

二十一、4.我从小到大都不会撒娇,小时候想要什么东西,就只会眼巴巴的看着,得不到就只好算了。4. Most of my childhood will not be coquettish. When I was a child, I would only look at what I wanted. If I couldn get it, I had to count.

二十二、当个性遇见文化,个性便变得不堪一击。When personality meets culture, personality becomes vulnerable.

二十三、一份明白,一份相信,一份执着,孤独和执着,相信和冷漠,一个人的世界,一个人的苍老,多少的明白,多少的执着,是人生的相信,也是一个人的疯狂,每一个珍惜都是原谅。A understanding, a belief, a persistence, loneliness and persistence, belief and indifference, a persons world, a persons old, how much understanding, how much persistence, is the belief in life, is also a persons crazy, every treasure is forgiveness.

二十四、总有一些路,你要个人走。勇敢一点,前面转角就是晴天。Theres always some way. You have to go alone. Be brave. Its sunny at the front corner.

二十五、男人和女人之間,沒有喜歡和好感、沒有欣賞和投契、沒有無數長夜裡推心置腹的談話,根本做不成好朋友。只做朋友,不做情人,理由太多,就像人間煙火,滿目繽紛,這一生,我們擁有許多美麗的相逢,我們愛的,不只一個人,一起終老的,卻只能夠是緣份最深的那個人;其他的,惟有黯然退下。Between men and women, no love and affection, no appreciation and engagement, no innumerable night heart-to-heart conversations, simply can not be good friends. There are too many reasons to be friends and not lovers, just like fireworks on earth, full of colourful eyes. In this life, we have many beautiful encounters. We love not only one person, but also the one with the deepest fate. Others, only the one with the deepest fate fades away.

二十六、无论是现在还是曾经,我都从未后悔过,该遇见什么样的人该和什么样的人告别都是注定的,所以大步地先前走就好了,只要记得,那些曾经美好的日子是真实的,就足够了。No matter now or ever, I have never regretted, what kind of person I should meet and what kind of person I should say goodbye to are doomed, so just go ahead with a big stride, as long as I remember that those once beautiful days are real, thats enough.

二十七、每个女生都需要一个好朋友,在她觉得自己再也开心不起来的时候逗她笑。Every girl needs a good friend to make her laugh when she feels she can no longer be happy.

二十八、其次,就是不断地学习,只有不断地学习才能提高自己,完善自己,人生来就带有棱角,什么时候把棱角磨平了, 你才会走地更远,但是学习不管在什么时候都是要做的一件事情。Secondly, it is continuous learning. Only by continuous learning can we improve ourselves and perfect ourselves. People are born with edges and corners. When the edges and corners are smoothed down, you will go farther. But learning is a thing to do no matter when.

二十九、在生活中,你付出了,你便有所得。In life, if you give, you get something.

三十、我们总是像智者一样去劝慰别人,却像傻子一样折磨自己,不要埋怨别人让你失望,很多时候,跟自己过不去的是自己。We always console others like wise men, but torture ourselves like fools. Don blame others for disappointing you. Many times, its ourselves that we can get through with ourselves.

三十一、曾经我有很多秘密想和你分享,而现在,你成了我心里最大的秘密。Once I had many secrets to share with you, but now you have become the biggest secret in my heart.

三十二、世界上最远的距离,不是爱,不是恨,而是熟悉的人,渐渐变得陌生。The furthest distance in the world is not love, not hate, but familiar people, gradually becoming unfamiliar.

三十三、【 成功女人的品质 】①女人要独立、活出自我,做自己命运和生命的舵主;②女人要坚毅,多给自己一些掌声,进取是女性前进的动力,永远向前看;③女人要自信,成功来源于信念,用信心支撑行动,心有所想必有所成;④女人要有魅力,脱俗的气质,不凡的外表,优雅的风度,这都是魅力所在。[Quality of a Successful Woman] 1) Women should be independent, live out of themselves and be the helmsman of their own destiny and life; 2) Women should be firm and give themselves more applause. Enterprising is the motive force for women to move forward and look forward forever; 3) Women should be confident, success comes from belief, support their actions with confidence, and their aspirations must be fulfilled; 4) Women should have charm, free from vulgarity and extraordinary temperament. Appearance and elegance are all the charms.

三十四、若夜深梦短,便小酣半宿。邀明月,共缠眠,大忆从前。若浮华尽欢,便入戏三分。踏远方,还故乡,如此匆忙。若余生很长,便豪赌一场。谈次情,陪个人,直到天老。If you have a short dream at night, you will spend half of your night. Invite the moon, sleep together, remember the past. If you are full of flashiness, you will enter the play three points. Stepping away, returning home, so in a hurry. If the rest of your life is long, you will gamble. Talk about the second love, accompany the individual, until the end of time.

三十五、不要总拿过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己,你可以爱得撕心裂肺,也可以走得干干脆脆。Don always take the past memories to torture yourself now, you can love to tear your heart and lungs apart, you can walk simply.

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