抑郁症健康 > 颜色的语言你了解?蓝色是忧郁 灰色是不想说?(双语)

颜色的语言你了解?蓝色是忧郁 灰色是不想说?(双语)

时间:2018-12-11 19:29:54


人们经常用颜色来表达不同的情绪,不管在哪个国家,这似乎有着某种共通性,比如红色可以象征爱或愤怒,蓝色则代表着悲伤。但这其中也有细微差别,研究人员表示,从你看待不同颜色和情绪的关系,就能看出你来自哪里。 Colors may be universally associated with certain emotions, a study has found. 最新研究发现,世界各地可能都会把颜色与某些情绪联系到一起。 Red is pinned to love or anger, blue to sadness or black to death, and similar links appear to exist in other parts of the world. 红色代表爱或愤怒,蓝色代表悲伤,黑色代表死亡,在世界其他地方,颜色和情绪之间似乎也存在类似的联系。 Even where colors weren solidly attributed to a single emotion, nearly all of them were either mostly good or mostly bad regardless of where people lived. 即使在颜色并不完全与某一种特定情绪相关的地方,几乎所有的颜色也都与正面或负面情绪相关,不管人们身处何方。 But on a smaller, more detailed scale there were nuances which researchers said they could use to predict which country someone came from. 但在更小、更精确的范围内,研究人员表示,他们可以利用细微差别来预测一个人来自哪个国家。 nuance [ˈnjuːɑːns]:n.细微差别 Scientists from the universities of Auckland, Lausanne in Switzerland and Johannes Gutenber in Mainz, Germany carried out their research on 711 people. 来自瑞士洛桑奥克兰大学和德国美因茨约翰内斯·古登堡大学的科学家们对711人进行了研究。 The participants all came from either the UK, Germany, Greece or China, and answered to rate how colors made them feel. 参与者来自英国、德国、希腊或中国,他们对颜色给他们带来的感觉进行了评分。 The colors included in the study were white, black, grey, red, yellow, green, blue, orange, purple, pink, brown and turquoise. 研究中涉及的颜色包括白色、黑色、灰色、红色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、橙色、紫色、粉色、棕色和蓝绿色。 They were shown to people in word form rather than images because the study was done online and researchers need to be sure screens were showing the same. 这些颜色以文字而非图片的形式展示给参与者,因为这项研究是在网上进行的,研究人员需要确保屏幕上显示的是相同的内容。

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