抑郁症健康 > visual studio 又一新增功能

visual studio 又一新增功能

时间:2022-01-12 20:52:31


visual studio 又一新增功能,visual studio 又一新增功能

New features added to the Membership and MembershipUser class in the latestCTP drop ofVisualStudio class Generate passwordpublic string GeneratePassword(string length) This method will randomly generate a password with the given length. string password = ()("Fredrik", password); The password could for example be generated to: 1b8y#Qp3O8 Get number of users online public int GetNumberOfUserOnline() Gets the number of users currently online. Password attempt threshold public int PasswordAttemptThreshold { get; } Gets the number of password attempts before the user will be locked out. You specify the PasswordAttemptThreshold for the Membership feature, by setting the passwordAttemptThreshold attribute for the membership provider in the configuration file. The default value is 5 attempts. Password attemptwindowspublic int PasswordAttemptWindows { get; } Gets the number of minutes in which a maximum number of invalid password or password answer attempts are allowed before the membership user is locked out. You specify the PasswordAttemptWindows for the Membership feature, by setting the passwordAttemptWindows attribute for the membership provider in the configuration file. The default value is 10 minutes. User is online time window public int UserIsOnlineTimeWindow { get; } Gets the number of minutes after the last activity data-time stamp for a user during which the user is considered online. MembershipUser class Is Locked out public bool IsLockedOut { get; } Indicate if the user is locked out. Last lockout date public DataTime LastLockOutDate { get; } Gets the most recent date and time that the membership user was locked out. Unlock user public bool UnlockUser() Unlocks the user. The UnlockUser method returns true if the user was unlocked. If the user was not found, the UnlockUser method will return false to indicate that the use was not unlocked. You can also use the Providers UnlockUser from the Membership class if you want to specify which user you want to unlock: (""); MEMBERSHIP到底是什么呢?暂时没找到相关的介绍,但按上文来说,连随机生成密码,

检查在线人数等功能都有了,那的确厉害呀,VS。NET 真的令人期待

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